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When all this is done or as it matures, it would be interesting to do a sort of postmortem or timeline on how a proud 100-year-old P5 conference imploded like this?

I'm an ardent Husky but I'm absolutely saddened with what will appear to happen to the Cougs and Beavs in all this and the traditions that will die. I'm worried that this "gerrymandering" by media companies of conferences and funding never stops as media companies will basically shape or eliminate funding for teams based the whims of viewership which we know they do when 6 days out, I don't know a game time for a given game.

The flip side is that if the conferences behaved more like a union and less like independent contractors, they might have been able to push back, and the high tide could have floated all boats.

Part of me want the legislature to step in but then I realize what I'm saying. :)

Not mentioned but what happens to the Rose Bowl now? Might go one last time this year before it just another idiotic bowl game of some 5th place team in the B10 and some other randomly selected team.

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